This can start with the first year of school or their senior year.
If you start in the first year, this involves photographing all of their artwork at the end of the year. I would be organiazing the photos of their awesome creations. I would also digitize their report cards and any other papers sent home that you want to keep. This will help when it comes to paper clutter. No need to keep any of it since it will now be stored on a thumb drive, on the cloud, or another storage device of your choice.
I can help you get this process set up and include a checklist and instructions for you to take over every year, or you can leave it up to me. I can set this all up , and at the end of the year gather everything and set it up for that year. This can also include family photos, and whatever else you want.
Why do this?
It is a great way to keep the memories without keepting track of the never ending papers sent home. This is somehtin gyou can give them at graduation, something they can keep ahold of. There would also be a copy for you as well.